Wednesday, April 11

VOICE Your Concerns About Clean Elections and CAFOs

From once and, I hope, future gubernatorial candidate Ed Fallon

Dear Friends,

Lynn and I have spoken and written about VOICE (campaign finance reform) and CAFO (confined animal feeding operation) legislation extensively over the past three months. The response from you and many other concerned Iowans has been tremendous, and both HF 805 (VOICE) and HF 873 (CAFO restrictions) remain live rounds.But a few powerful leaders in the House and Senate continue to resist the will of the majority. We need, once again, to let all state representatives know how important it is to pass these bills. It’s not enough for lawmakers to say they will vote “yes” if the bills come up for debate. We need each and every representative who believes in these reforms to actively work for their passage, both in committee and on the floor.

With the legislative session in its last month, action is needed. Call, e-mail, write or visit with your state representative after the Easter break. Ask them to do everything in their power to assure that these two bills become law. Your response to our previous requests has helped ignite a grassroots lobbying effort that has continued to move these bills forward. It’s time for the final push, and I know we can count on you to be part of it.

Visit for information on how to contact your state representative.If you have specific questions on either bill, please call or write us at either (515) 201-9405 or Thank you, and let’s work for victory this month on reforms that are long overdue.

Ed Fallon

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