Wednesday, April 11

RU Working for the Justice Department?

Monica Goodling (Class of '95 Messiah College) who, on this blog will be henceforth referred to as "Tom" (The Other Monica), has opened a can of worms in resigning from the USAG's office because it has brought the bright glare of the scrutiny into the hallowed halls of Pat Robertson's brainchild --Regents University and its fabulous Law School. As widely reported, over 150 Regent University grads are working for the Bush administration/American people.

From Max Blumenthal: In the Washington Post-owned Slate Magazine, Dahlia Lithwick published a penetrating look at "How Pat Robertson's law school is changing America." Lithwick notes that as early as 1997, when Goodling was enrolled at Regent and working as a spokesperson for the school's Office of Government, she was ducking pointed questions from reporters.

The Boston Globe also ran a insightful look at Regent Law's impact on public policy. The Globe cited (as I did days earlier right here) Kay Coles James as the key link between Regent and the Bush White House. The Globe's Charlie Savage wrote, "In 2001, the Bush administration picked the dean of Regent's government school, Kay Coles James, to be the director of the Office of Personnel Management -- essentially the head of human resources for the executive branch. The doors of opportunity for government jobs were thrown open to Regent alumni."

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