Friday, April 6

Iowa Teachers - Half Way There

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- The Iowa House on Thursday overwhelmingly approved legislation that would lift Iowa's teacher pay to 25th in the country.

The legislation was a key goal of Statehouse Democrats, including Gov. Chet Culver, who campaigned on a promise to increase teacher salaries.

"This is a good bill, one that sends the message that ... we value the contributions of our educators in the classroom," said Rep. Cindy Winckler, D-Davenport, the bill's floor manager.

Lawmakers approved the increase on a 90-7 vote.

The House approved a few technical changes, which means the bill will return to the Senate, where it was approved by a wide margin earlier in the session.

Gark statistical questions: I know this makes teachers #25 in the nation in terms of dollars to dollars, but in terms of quality of life and cost of living, are teachers in Iowa actually lower or higher in national ranking? For instance, if a school teacher in New York City averages $5o,000 a year salary, but their cost of living is 2 times what the cost of living here, wouldn't teachers "real" rank here be higher?

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