Saturday, April 14

Terry Smith Is Running

As first lightly rumored on March 8th, Terry Smith, Director of compliance and delivery for Mid-American Energy is definitely running for Iowa City Council (and this straight from the candidate's mouth). "Will he run in district A against Ross Wilburn or at-large to replace Bob Elliott?" is the unanswered question.

Terry has served on the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Telecommunications Commission. He is chairman of the board of directors of Goodwill Industries of Southeast Iowa and sits on the board for Junior Achievement of Eastern Iowa. I

It will be interesting to learn what he will do about his votes when it comes to things that directly affect Mid-American Energy, which is pretty much every vote when it comes to economic development, planning and zoning. Perhaps that was the reason for the change of jobs at M-E?

As someone who has run for the council, I wish him and his wife Cindy all the best in the endeavor.

Hey Terry, get ready to answer how you feel about the 21 ordinance.

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