Friday, April 20

Gronstal Needs a Time Out

I found this photo of Senate "leader" Gronstal quite ironic, given his childish behavior the other day. One has to wonder how "positive" the "change" in the legislature is when bills like VOICE, anti-discrimination for gays in housing and employment, parity for mental health providers, preventing abusive mortgage lending practices, creating a state law to bar people convicted of domestic abuse from owning or possessing guns, and banning tobacco use on public school property wait for another turn in the barrel.

In fairness, the hike in the minimum wage occurred, anti-bullying legislation passed, and K-12 education is better funded. But with a "trifecta" in government, progressives should expect more.

The party could do with a more progressive leadership. Mike Gronstal is a relic of an earlier age. He is a cousin of Boss Tweed using his ability to raise millions of dollars as a bludgeon to keep the power in the hands of the few.

If Mike Gronstal has his way, Iowans will never see a publicly funded election and not because the other party has deeper pockets, but because its about power--who has got it and who doesn't. Democracy was intended to be participatory--Mike Gronstal is a gatekeeper and he doesn't want you in the game.
Update 4/23: For a different point of view, check this out. For the record, I don't blame the Democratic legislators as a group for the actions of some of its leaders, but I do take Mike Gronstal to task because he is acting in an undemocratic fashion. But the writer does make some fair points.

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