Wednesday, April 4

Edwards and Clinton Write-ups - Cleaning Up after the Circus

Compare opening paragraphs, according to the CR Gazette

"John Edwards has built his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination on domestic issues, but Kathy Severson came to his ‘‘town hall’’ rally last night wanting to hear about something else. ‘‘How we’d be getting out of the war,’’ Severson, 49, of Cedar Rapids, said as she waited in Prairie High School’s gym for Edwards’ arrival. The former North Carolina senator delivered, opening his remarks with a call to Democratic congressional leaders to call President Bush’s threat to veto an Iraq funding package that includes a timeline for U.S. troops’ withdrawal. ‘‘The president is saying he’s not going to fund the troops that are serving in Iraq,’’ said Edwards. ‘‘(Congress has) got to send him another bill that funds the troops and sets timelines. We can’t let this president make another in a series of tragic mistakes. America needs to be leaving Iraq.’’"

Meanwhile at the Clinton event

"It wasn’t like sharing a table with a presidential hopeful at the Hamburg Inn, but there were few complaints about the conversation Hillary Clinton had with 350 people Tuesday in an Iowa City hotel ballroom. ‘‘To me, this is close,’’ Sandy Wedmore of Iowa City said from the third row of chairs that surrounded Clinton. ‘‘I can see her — and I think more people can attend these sorts of events than if it was in a living room.’’ In her remarks, Clinton said it’s time for America ‘‘to get back to what we do best — to get back into the solutions business.’’ The conversations are a balancing act, Clinton said later, her feet up on a coffee table after a day that included a breakfast at the home of former Iowa Gov. Tom and Christie Vilsack in Mount Pleasant, a tour of a biodiesel refinery in Crawfordsville and the hour-plus campaign event at Quality Inn and Suites in Iowa City."

Summary of stories : Actual conversation about an important issue v. the number of people in the room

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