Thursday, April 5

Convo for CAFO at State Capital

Next Wednesday, April 11 – Come to Des Moines and Keep the Calls and E-mails Coming...

Rally at Capitol – Lobby Day!

Help Protect Clean Air and Water Bill (H.F. 873) and The Matrix Improvement Bill (S.F. 550)!
For the first time in years, Iowans have a chance to pass legislation that would protect the environment and property values with several new bills before the legislature.

Unfortunately, the CAFO lobby is fighting to derail the democratic rights of Iowa's rural citizens once again and your help is needed to fight the outside influence of corporate cash.

Bring Your Neighbor - Invite a Friend:
Come to the Capitol in Des Moines on Wednesday, April 11 and let your voice be heard by legislators. At this point in the legislative session it's important that your elected officials hear firsthand what their constituents want. Invite anyone you know who may be interested in protecting Iowa's air and water.

Arrive Where and When:
The event will take place in the Capitol Rotunda, 1st floor, from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Please plan to begin arriving at 10:00 am in the Capitol cafeteria to receive handouts discussing the bills and a quick tutorial on citizen lobbying. Look for individuals wearing NAME TAG STICKERS in support of H.F. 873 and S.F. 550.

Afternoon Events:
Many organizations will have displays and materials set up, and we may have a press conference and/or rally that afternoon in the rotunda. (Details to be Determined).

RSVPs are appreciated and can be email to:

What We Are Supporting:
House File 873 (Kuhn / Frevert Bill) – Otherwise known as the Clean Air and Clear Water Bill, this proposed piece of legislation would offer confinement neighbors and the environment additional protection.

H.F. 873 would:
1. Increase separation distances between new CAFOs and residences, churches, cities, lakes and tourism destinations.
2. Require all counties to use the Master Matrix to evaluate new CAFO applications.
3. Require manure to be applied farther away from waterways, homes, schools and churches, etc.
4. Ban the spreading of manure on frozen ground or snow.

Senate File 550 (The Matrix Improvement Bill) – This bill will give a voice to elected county officials in the permitting process of new confinements.

S.F. 550 would:
1. Require all counties to adopt the Master Matrix.
2. Give all county board of supervisors the authority to approve or disapprove a construction permit for a new CAFO.
3. Require county board of supervisors to appoint five persons to a construction evaluation committee, including: a. soil and water commissioner, b. a real estate broker, c. a city resident, d. a livestock operator, e. a county environmental health office.
4. Allow a board of supervisors to accept the construction evaluation committee's recommendation.
5. Allow the DNR, the applicant and the board of supervisors to each appeal a decision.

Why We Support These Bills:
Each of these bills is important and would offer additional protection for Iowa's rural citizens and keep Iowa's air and water clean. Farm Bureau and industry lobbyists are trying to scare farmers by making alarmist claims about how these common sense pieces of legislation would drive the livestock business out of Iowa. The opposite is true. Responsible legislation would allow for the responsible expansion of livestock in Iowa.

Updates on CAFOs and House File 873:

1. H.F. 873 is still under consideration in the Iowa House. More information about H.F. 873 is at

2. S.F. 550 is under consideration in the Iowa Senate also.

2. A few weeks ago, 10,000 gallons of manure were released into Chariton Creek in SW Iowa from a factory farm. .

3. Four Environmental Protection Commissioners had their last day on the commission on April 3. A Des Moines Register article titled " Replaced appointee blasts Culver" can be found at A blog covering this issue is at

4. Whether or not you're coming to Des Moines: Call or email your legislators or the Governor, even if you're already done so already… contact them again!


If you can't get through to the House or Senate, please leave a short message.

Contact GOVERNOR CULVER'S OFFICE (515) 281-5211

Call or Email Leadership:

Find Your Legislator and their email address by visiting

You're Not Alone…. Organizations supporting HF 873:

Iowa Farmers Union
Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement
I'M For Iowa
Iowa Citizen Action Network (ICAN)
Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church
Environmental Reclamation & Recycling
1000 Friends of Iowa
Iowa State Association of Counties
Iowa Network for Local Control
Iowa Association of County Conservation Boards
League of Women Voters of Iowa
Sierra Club, Iowa Chapter
Iowa Environmental Council
Environment Iowa
….And many more!

Helping return basic democratic rights to all Iowans…

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