Tuesday, March 11

US to Iraq: When We Get Behind Closed Doors

U.S. State Department and Iraqi foreign ministry officials opened negotiations Tuesday over formal arrangements for a long-term relationship in the political, economic and security fields.

The talks will also focus on establishing a status of forces agreement (SOFA), a standard arrangement that spells out the legal basis for the presence of U.S. troops on Iraqi territory and establishes legal rights and obligations.

Negotiating a SOFA begins with the assumption that the presence of U.S. military forces is in the interests of the host government as well as the U.S. government. The starting proposition is that the host country exercises complete authority over all of its territory and over anyone who is in that territory, subject to any agreements that make exceptions to that authority.

The Iraqi foreign ministry, in a statement, stressed the talks would focus on finding middle ground that would accommodate the needs of both nations. U.S. officials have sought to deflect publicity and close public scrutiny of the talks, which are being held behind closed doors.

159,000 troops are in Iraq and is expected to cut them to about 100,000 by next January.

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