Monday, March 31

April Fools Day in Congress

Tomorrow is April Fool's Day, and Congress is giving us a chance to have some fun while taking a serious look at the impact of Big Oil.

Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass), who chairs the Energy Independence and Global Warming Committee, is calling in top executives from the five largest oil companies in the world: ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP, Shell and Conoco. Markey is asking these companies to answer for their world record profits while gas prices squeeze the working class, climate change proceeds and energy independence receeds.

Oil Change International will be watching the hearing closely, and we hope you can watch it with us! With Oil Change Director Steve Kretzmann inside the hearings and the rest of the staff on a live blog, we'll watch the hearing together online while we chat about it and share with you commentary and facts about the attendees. You can submit questions and comments to us, and you get a chance to talk online with fellow friends of Oil Change.

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