Monday, March 24

On the Serious: What Was Gordon Fischer Thinking?

Gordon Fischer, a former chair of the Iowa Democratic Party and part of Barack Obama's Iowa support team, entered the realm of the detestable over the weekend railing against Bill Clinton's equally silly comments over the weekend that a race between Sen. John McCain and Hillary Clinton would be a contest between two people who love their country.

Fischer said:

"When Joe McCarthy questioned others' patriotism, McCarthy (1) actually believed, at least aparently (sic), the questions were genuine, and (2) he did so in order to build up, not tear down, his own party, the GOP," Fischer, wrote on his blog

"Bill Clinton cannot possibly seriously believe Obama is not a patriot, and cannot possibly be said to be helping -- instead he is hurting -- his own party. B. Clinton should never be forgiven. Period. This is a stain on his legacy, much worse, much deeper, than the one on Monica's blue dress."

Both campaigns need to cool down the rhetoric. This campaign he said/she said resembles rival high schools on game day. And seriously, Iowans deserve better than this.

Fischer, normally a gentleman has come forward andissued an apology.

Of Course, compared to James Carville's "Judas" statement about Bill Richardson...

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