Monday, March 10

An Arresting Karl Rove Story

This one from Frank Cordaro and the Happy Warriors from the Des Moines Catholic Workers...

Catholic Workers Attempt to Arrest Karl Rove

Des Moines Catholic Workers Kirk Brown and Mona Shaw attempted to make
a citizen's arrest on Karl Rove at the opening of his talk on Sunday
March 9th talk in Iowa City. Shaw and Brown stood before an audience
that included about 200 protesters decrying Rove's appearance. The
message of the protesters included written and spoken exposes of
Rove's criminal and traitorous acts as well as shaming the University
of Iowa for providing a climate of legitimacy for a man they believed
should instead be indicted. Protesters showed up to expose Rove for
the criminal and traitor that he is, to call shame on the University
of Iowa for paying Rove $40,000 to speak and providing him a venue of
legitimacy on the University of Iowa campus.

In a speech at a protest rally held before Rove's talk, Des Moines
Catholic Worker Frank Cordaro submitted the reasoning behind the need
to attempt citizen's arrests of Rove whenever the opportunity arose.

"Iowans need to ask the bigger question of why Karl Rove is an
un-indicted war criminal and a free man. Isn't it because of our
gutless Congress, unwilling to do its duty and start impeachment
proceedings on Bush and Cheney and to start a war crimes case against
Rove 'the architect' to Bush's War on Iraq? Isn't it because our
judicial system, starting with the Supreme Court has been bought off
or scared off by the national security interest running our country?
And in our democracy when the Presidency is controlled by an criminal
gang and the Congress and Judicial branch or our government are
unwilling to do the right and just thing, it is left up to ordinary
citizens to step into the breach and attempt to make citizens arrest
of people like Karl Rove."

Brown and Shaw attempted such a citizen's arrest immediately following
Rove's introduction. Both held and began to read a written "Citizen's
Arrest Complaint" that cited Federal Criminal statutes and the Iowa
Code. Before they could finish reading the complaint, they were taken
into custody by University Police, informed they were under arrest,
and removed from the hall. Both were released in the foyer leading to
the hall and not allowed to return to the talk.

It is time for other citizens of conscience, as well, to take up the
challenge and bear our civic obligation to attempt citizen's arrests
of Karl Rove whenever the opportunity arises. This should be done so
Rove will always know that even though he and his friends in the White
House may have silenced the Congress and Judicial branch of our
government, they have not silenced the People who know of their crimes
and will not rest until justice is done.


Citizen's Arrest Complaint

United States of America, plaintiff
Karl Christian Rove, defendant

Under the authority provided private citizens by Iowa Code: 804.9.2,
you, Karl Christian Rove, are being placed under arrest for high
crimes against the people of the United States committed during your
role as Deputy Chief of Staff to President George W. Bush as well as
while serving as a campaign consultant during the U.S. presidential
elections of 2000 and 2004.

You are charged with willful violation of the following federal codes
between the dates of January 1, 2000 until the present.

US Code: Title 42, the Voting Rights Act, for ELECTION FRAUD in the
2000 and 2004 presidential elections US Code, Chapter 19.371,
information leading to the War in Iraq,

Several sections of US Code, Chapter 115, TREASON, SEDITION, AND
SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES including, but not limited to submitting and
fomenting false information leading to the War in Iraq, illegal
detainment and torture of prisoners in Guantanamo and elsewhere, and
other fraudulent acts leading to the deaths of nearly 4,000 U.S.
military personnel as well as approximately 300,000 Iraqi civilians.

Further, you may also be indicted for other violations of federal code
not listed in this complaint.

Any United States Marshall or any authorized U.S. Law Enforcement
Officer present is obligated under the provisions of Iowa Code 804.9.2
to take you into custody and bring you forthwith before the nearest
magistrate to answer these charges and to advise you of your rights
which include:

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an
attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If
you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government

Respectfully submitted by and for citizens of the state of Iowa
On this 9th day of March, 2008.

Kirk Brown, DM Catholic Worker Community
1310 7th Street, Des Moines, IA 50314

Mona Shaw, DM Catholic Worker Community
1310 7th Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50314

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