Wednesday, March 19

Support from PAC Supporters V. Taking PAC Money

Ed Fallon is being accused by Leonard Boswell's campaign of being hypocritical about receiving support through PACs. At issue is that Democracy for America, which is a PAC has encouraged its members to support Ed Fallon, who has not received a SINGLE dime from DFA, but did receive direct contributions from 730 DFA members to the tune of about $20,000.

Many people are members of organizations that encourage supporting candidates, the National Association of Realtors as an example encourages its membership to choose pro-real estate candidates, but that doesn't mean the same thing as the NAR cutting a check for a candidate.

Because Leonard Boswell does take money DIRECTLY from PACs, it would appear that the longtime Congressman is trying to justify his own behavior. According to Iowa Progress, "in the first three quarters of 2007, Boswell has taken in $433,000 in contributions from PACs, making up 75% of total contributions recieved."

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