Friday, March 21

Paper Ballots Prevail

This from Kyle Lobner of Common Cause Iowa:

I have great news: all Iowans will vote on a paper ballot and have their vote counted by optical scan machines in the November elections and all elections to follow.

Yesterday, by a vote of 91-6, the Iowa House passed the House File 2630, which requires all 99 counties use optical scan machines. Last week, a similar bill passed the Senate 47-1. The Governor is expected to sign it soon, and it will take effect immediately. Along with thousands of Iowans statewide, I'm relieved that we've taken one more step towards ensuring that all Iowans know that their votes are counted fairly and accurately.

This is not just a news update; it's also a thank you! Common Cause members played a key role in convincing legislators, Secretary of State Mauro and Governor Culver with your phone calls, emails, and other actions to support this critical legislation just in time for the big November election.

Yet this bill is still only one more step towards making government open, reliable and representative of Iowa voters and their interests. We have a lot left to do, especially:
- Public financing of campaigns. The "Clean Elections" system created by the VOICE Act (SF 553 and HF 805) would curb the influence of big special interest money in Iowa politics.
- Random hand audits of election results. Paper ballots only add security to elections if we use them to double-check the results. Hand counted audits are the only defense against security weaknesses in vote-counting devices.
- Open government. Making government information more accessible by creating an Iowa Public Information Board, as outlined in SF 2378, is a critical step.

Thank you again for your help in making Iowa democracy healthier and more responsive. To continue to work on these issues, we need the support, both volunteer and financial, of Iowans like you who understand the need for open, accountable government and are willing to stand with us to fight for it. Please make a contribution to help us continue to fight and to add new victories.

Thanks so much for all you do!

Hopefully Gov. Culver will sign this very soon!

1 comment:

Kyle Lobner said...

A quick correction I didn't note until after this was out: The house actually passed SF 2347, the Senate version of the bill.
