Friday, March 14

Service to the Republican Party Is It's Own Re-"Ward"

Apparently at least $740,000 has disappeared from the coffers of the National Republican Congressional Committee. The FBI has been called in to look into allegations against longtime NRCC treasurer Christopher J. Ward who is accused of making substantial transfers to his own business and personal accounts since at least 2004.

Rep. Tom Cole, the committee's chairman said, "Based on analysis conducted to date, it appears likely that over a period of several years Ward made several hundred thousand dollars in unauthorized transfers of NRCC funds to outside committees whose bank accounts he had access to, including joint fund-raising committees in which the NRCC participated."

Also, the NRCC notes at the end of 2006 there was a $990,000 shortfall, and the committee hasn't had a "completed" outside audit since 2001, which is longer than some media reports have indicated.

More from Real Clear Politics

Also, Ward, after becoming treasurer in 2003, "submitted to the NRCC's bank and to the NRCC leadership bogus audit reports for 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005. The aditional bogus audit was submitted to the NRCC's bank for 2006."

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