Wednesday, March 26

Peace Week, Day 3

Wednesday, March 26:

***Speakers: Iowa City native Andy Duffy, founder of Iowa City Iraq Veterans Against the War chapter who served as an Iowa National Guard medic who served at Abu Ghraib prison, 2005-06 and Jason Munford, an Air Force veteran and G.I. who engaged in active resistance to going to war as a conscientious objector. More IVAW speakers from Illinois are also scheduled to speak. Held in South Room, Iowa Memorial Union, 7pm.***

Listen to Andy Duffy speak at Winter Soldier.

Andrew Duffy: Bio and Testimonial - Listen to the audio clip (or download)

Free screening of "Healing Iraq: a Tale of Two Doctors" with a discussion afterwards led by Dr. Maureen McCue of Physicians for Social Responsibility. Northwestern Room (#345), Iowa Memorial Union, 7pm. Sponsored by Global Health Club and Physicians for Social Responsibility.

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