Saturday, March 8

Treasure Rove

I will admit my vitriol as far as Karl Rove is concerned is pretty, pretty elevated. But, as he is as close as we will get to a visit from the POTUS (at least for the next several months), we should treasure Rove for the treasure trove of information he can lay on us while visiting our fair city on Sunday March 9th at 7:30 p.m. in the Main Lounge of the Iowa Memorial Union on the UI campus.

For instance, he can explain what he whispered in the President's ear while he was reading the Little Goat after the twin towers went down?--"It's on" would be my guess, but only a guess.

We can ask him why he really left the White House?--he hasn't been spending much time around the family since he left the job--his supposed reason for going on hiatus.

We can ask him how many eventual indictments he expects members of this administration to be served if the next President is say African-American or a woman and the Democrats hold both the House and Senate?

We can ask him why he let Scooter Libby get thrown under the bus for acts he was involved in? Follow-up: Was Valerie the name of his latest Plame?

With the US involved in military actions on every continent except Antarctica and Australia, does he think Colin Powell might have had a point about exhausting diplomatic options before sending in the military?

Is he supplying ammo to John McCain so that the presidential race can rise as high as it did in 2000 when "sources" claimed McCain fathered a black child in South Carolina?

Perhaps he can comment on his role in generating falsehoods about former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman?

That will probably take all the time that will be available for audience questions, particularly if the college Republicans get seat-fillers lined up early. I believe that was a idea that Karl came up with early in his career. It's important to have role-models in public service.

Some of Karl's finer moments:

“Cindy Sheehan is a clown. There is no real antiwar movement. No serious politician, with anything to do with anything, would show his face at an antiwar rally.”

“The purpose of the terrorist-surveillance program is to protect lives. The president's actions were legal and fully consistent with the 4th Amendment and the protection of our civil liberties under the constitution.”

“I disagree. The Age of Bush 43 did not cause the polarization.”

"As people do better, they start voting like Republicans - unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing."

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