Wednesday, March 12

New House Bill: No Immunity to Telecoms

House Democratic leaders unveiled legislation Tuesday to update the nation's wiretapping program, rejecting a Senate-passed version of the bill that would give telecommunications companies legal immunity for agreeing to participate in the program after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

President Bush secretly instituted the National Security Agency's domestic spying program after 9/11.

President Bush and House Republicans have insisted that the House pass the Senate version of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) bill.

Instead, top Democrats -- including House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, House Intelligence Chairman Silvestre Reyes and Judiciary Chairman John Conyers -- proposed that lawsuits against the phone companies could move forward through U.S. district courts.

The government has effectively frozen all litigation by invoking the "state secrets" doctrine, arguing that documents detailing the phone companies' activities are classified.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let it go, and just take this fight to the congress. L
Flood your congressman's fax machine and keep calling his phone like until you get what you want.