Friday, February 1

Reports Only a Wonk Could Love: Courtesy of Sen. Joe Bolkcom

If you don't subscribe to Joe Bolkcom's Networker e-mail, it is always worth a look. He does a good job of writing about issues. This week, he provided links to several interim reports that may be of interest to you:

Interim Reports Issued

Several legislative committees met during the 2007 Interim. This week their reports were issued by the Legislative Services Agency. You can view the reports electronically or print them by accessing the interim committees' Internet pages by clicking on any of the links below and then clicking on the “Additional Information” link:

Animal Feeding of Distillers Dried Grains Study Committee

Legislative Commission on Affordable Health Care Plans for Small Businesses and Families

Skilled Worker Shortage Study Committee

State Prison System Planning Study Committee

TIME-21 Transportation Funding Study Committee

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