Thursday, February 21

We Are the American People and We Disaprove of This President

Is it any wonder that Geoorge Bush is in Africa? The American Research Group's latest poll shows that George W. Bush's job approval rating has plummeted to below 20%. a record 77% disapprove of his handling of the job, particularly the economy.

Feb 2008 19% Approve; 77% Disapprove; 4% Undecided
Jan 2008 34% Approve; 59% Disapprove; 7% Undecided

According to the ARG,
A total of 78% of Americans say the national economy is getting worse and 47% say the national economy is in a recession. A total of 42% of Americans, however, say they believe the national economy will be better a year from now, which is the highest level for this question in the past year. This optimism does not spread to improvements in household financial situations as 17% of Americans say they expect their household financial situations to be better a year from now, which is the lowest for this question in the past year.

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