Wednesday, February 20

Obama Wins Handily in Wisconsin and Hawaii

Any hopes of Hillary Clinton's campaign to score an upset victory yesterday were smashed by the voters of Wisconsin who seem to be ready for a change and said "yes we can" in giving 58% of their support to Obama and 41% to Clinton. Over a 1.1 million voters braved the snow and ice to cast their ballots. While Hillary Clinton has shifted her focus on "Solutions" over "Conversations," the hardworking voters of Wisconsin chose "Hope."

According to the Washington Post, "Obama was attracting more support from women, less-educated and lower-income voters, and white working-class voters than he generally has in other states. By breaking into Clinton's coalition, he was able to overcome a Wisconsin electorate that was heavily female and that included no more independent voters than it did four years ago."

Meanwhile in the much warmer Aloha state, Obama's favorite son status held up to score a strong caucus victory, despite the endorsement of Sen. Daniel Inouye and a visit from former first daughter Chelsea Clinton. Obama was selected by 76% of caucus goers to 24% for Clinton.

Obama made his victory speech in a packed stadium in Houston and all but ignored Hillary Clinton and focusing his remarks on Republican John McCain of whom he said was an “American hero” but said he offered more of the same after seven years of President George W. Bush. “He represents the policies of yesterday and we want to be the party of tomorrow,” he said.

The lead up to the March 4th primaries will be brutal as the kit gloves of the Clinton campaign are off looking for a way to prove Hillary Clinton is deserving of the Democratic nomination ahead of the Democratic National Convention.

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