Monday, February 25

And the Presidential Oscars Go To...

I Watched the Oscars last night and enjoyed Jon Stewart's zippy one liners at the expense of John McCain-- "Oscar is 80 this year, which makes him now automatically the front-runner for the Republican (presidential) nomination" and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama-- "Normally when you see a black man or a woman president, an asteroid is about to hit the Statue of Liberty."

I thought about if Oscars were given out to the candidates in the 2008 presidential race, how would it go.

Nominees for Best Actress in a Supporting Role: Michelle Obama in "The First Time", Cindy McCain for "Stand By Your Flag", Elizabeth Kucinich for "Towering Inferno" and Elizabeth Edwards in "Phone Call to Ann Coulter"

Best Actress in a Supporting Role: Elizabeth Edwards in "Phone Call to Ann Coulter"

Nominees for Best Actor in a Supporting Role: Bill Clinton "Foot Loose", Chris Dodd "In Dodd We Trust", John Edwards "Millworker's Son", Mike Gravel for "No Country for Old Men"

Best Actor in a Supporting Role: Mike Gravel for "No Country for Old Men"

Nominee for Best Actress in a Leading Role: Hillary Clinton in "Ready from Day One"

Best Actress in a Leading Role: Hillary Clinton in "Ready from Day One"

Best Actor in a Leading Role Nominees: Barack Obama in "Yes, We Can, Hope", John McCain in "No Country for Old Men", Mike Huckabee in "I Heart Huckabee"

Best Actor in a Leading Role: Barack Obama in "Yes, We Can, Hope"

Other winners:
Best Animated Short Subject: Dennis Kucinich in "I See Aliens"
Best Animated Feature: Ron Paul in "Give Me Libertarians or Give Me Depth"
Best Screenwriter: Tie, Caesar Chavez for "Si, Se Puede" and Deval Patrick for "Just Words"
Best Documentary: Mitt Romney in "I Got To Be Me--Whoever That Is"

Life Time Achievement Awards: John McCain and Mike Gravel

In Memorium: Fred Thompson, Tommy Thompson, John Cox, Jim Gilmore, Sam Brownback, Mark Warner, Russ Feingold, Mark Klein, Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney, Joe Biden, Chris Dodd, Bill Richardson, Tom Tancredo, Duncan Hunter, Rudolph Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Dennis Kucinich, John Edwards, Alan Keyes.

Best Picture and Best Director will be awarded on November 7, 2008.

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