Monday, February 11

Which Side Are You On?

From Janelle Rettig who has done more than just about anybody to support human and equal rights in Johnson County:


Yesterday (2/10/2008) the Des Moines Register did a major story, "Lawmakers take side on marriage". You might be surprised to know that Johnson County legislators didn't stand uniformly and proudly in support of marriage equality. Even some Iowa City Democrats chose to answer one question about the constitutional amendment and then failed to answer the question about marriage. I don't know what to make of that, but they should be asked. Some might be surprised to know that Senator Becky Schmitz and Representative Ro Foege believe marriage is only for straight citizens. I know I was saddened by this survey.

Overall our delegation needs a lot of help understanding how all citizens should be treated equal under the law. At the bottom you will find an email I sent Becky Schmitz and Ro Foege. I've spent some time working on both of those campaigns, but I guess I still don't rank as a full citizen.

Here were the questions the DMR asked and the Johnson County responses:

Do you believe marriage should be only between a man and a woman?

Senator Becky Schmitz D
Senator James Hahn R
Representative Ro Foege D
Representative Sandy Greiner R (Sponsor of anti-marriage constitutional amendment)
Representative Jeff Kaufmann R (Sponsor of anti-marriage constitutional amendment)

Senator Joe Bolkcom D
Representative Mary Mascher D

Declined to say yes or no:
Senator Bob Dvorsky D
Representative Vicki Lensing D
Representative Dave Jacoby D

Would you vote yes or no on HJR 8 or SJR 2001, which would begin the process to amend the Iowa Constitution and define marriage as only between a man and a woman?

Senator James Hahn R
Representative Sandy Greiner R (Sponsor of anti-marriage constitutional amendment)
Representative Jeff Kaufmann R (Sponsor of anti-marriage constitutional amendment)

Senator Joe Bolkcom D
Senator Becky Schmitz D
Senator Bob Dvorsky D
Representative Mary Mascher D
Representative Ro Foege D
Representative Vicki Lensing D
Representative Dave Jacoby D

Declined to say yes or no:

Here are the addresses of the Johnson County folks:

I still dream of a day when the people we elect to office actually lead. I wake up every day hoping for the day that I will actually be equal. Shame on me for investing my time, money, and efforts supporting candidates that believe I'm not fully equal to them.

Janelle's Letter:

I guess being good neighbors, good citizens, taxpayers isn't enough. We wake up very day fearful for our financial future because people like you don't believe we are worthy of marriage and the rights and responsibilities that entails. Imagine living in a world where after 19 years of a committed relationship, the government still considers us strangers. Imagine living in fear of a life threatening illness or even death and having your spouse denied access to your death bed or funeral. Imagine living in a world where you wake up and see in the front page of the newspaper that lawmakers are taking sides on whether you should be allowed to love and marry the person of your dreams. Imagine living in a world where our mere being makes us targets of hate, violence, and the wrath of politicians who consider us sinners and unworthy.

I would appreciate a response about why you think we are unworthy of marriage and being fully equal to you.

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