Tuesday, September 25

Grassley: "Yes" Bush Holding SCHIP Bill Hostage

A battle over the President's policy view of using tax deductions to afford private health coverage rather than helping uninsured kids to Medicare coverage may lead to a dissertion by Iowa's Chuck Grassley.

The Washington Post reports that our most senior Senator accused President Bush yesterday of holding up a bipartisan three months, along with campaign advertisements accusing Republicans of abandoning children. That way, pressure would mount either on Bush to sign the bill or on House Republicans to override the veto.

expansion of the popular State Children's Health Insurance Program hostage. Asked if Bush was holding the children's health bill hostage, Grassley said, "Yes." Grassley said if he were the Democrats, he would send the SCHIP expansion to a vote every

"The president has a goal that I share, that we need to take care of the uninsured through private health insurance," said Grassley, relating a sharp conversation he had with Bush on Thursday morning. "But you can't put that on this bill."

1 comment:

Scott J. said...

He's just trying to maintain that A average in cutting taxes, don't ya know... But when even the Republicans are asking for support for the program, you'd think he'd at least put some thought into it.

So much for the vaunted Family Values candidate.