Thursday, September 27

Don't Tase on Me, Bro

The Chronicle of Higher Education reports

According to a study by the U.S. Government Accountability Office in 2005, about 40 percent of the country's 18,000 law-enforcement agencies use Tasers. No such statistics exist for college police departments, but they are largely keeping up with their municipal counterparts, says Steven J. Healy, the police chief at Princeton University and a former president of the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators.

But even officers who like Tasers say they should be used judiciously: when a person is threatening himself, police officers, or others and physical restraint is not an effective option.

Amnesty International has expressed concerns about the weapons, which have been associated with at least 70 deaths in the United States and Canada since 2001 and may increase the risk of heart failure, the organization said in a report.

What could be done differently,
More here.

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