Monday, September 17

Rod Sullivan Running for Second Term

In Rod's own words

"you heard it here first: I am announcing today that I will seek reelection to a second term as County Supervisor.

There have been several significant accomplishments during my term in office. Since I joined the Board, Johnson County has:

* Passed a Human Rights Ordinance, the first County in Iowa to do so;
* Passed a Sensitive Areas Ordinance, the first County in Iowa to do so;
* Joined the Sierra Club Cool Counties Initiative, the first County in Iowa to do so;
* Created a Trails Committee and for the first time created a line item for trails in the budget;
* Created a Commission for a Livable Community for Seniors;
* Instituted a highly successful Earned Income Tax Credit program;
* Dramatically increased funding for Shelter House;
* Begun a program for upgrading gravel roads to chip seal;
* Started work on Oakdale Boulevard between 12th Ave. & Dubuque St.

Many of these topics had been languishing for years. I promised to champion these issues, and I have delivered. Meanwhile, Johnson County continues to provide outstanding day-to-day services.
There is much more to do, however, and I would like to be a part of it. My top campaign issues for a second term are:

1. Increased commitment to the Environment;
2. Positive updates to the County Land Use Plan;
3. Increased support for Human Services;
4. Improved Dust Control.

I hope I have earned your support as I pursue a second term. Serving as a County Supervisor is an incredible honor and privilege, and I truly appreciate the opportunities that have been given to me.
If you are interested in talking to me about my campaign or any County issues, the routine remains the same as the one listed below here every week
- feel free to contact me at 354-7199 or
You can also check out my new website: I look forward to serving you."

Rod is one of the truly progressive voices in Johnson County. He was one of the founder's of FAIR! and has done a great job. I forgive him that he supports Barack Obama, although an Edwards/Obama ticket looks like a winner to me.

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