Thursday, September 13

Dems Looking Good to Iowans and Others

From Bloomberg News
Democrats have the advantage with voters in Iowa and New Hampshire, states that plan to hold their presidential nominating contests in January and are likely to be battlegrounds in November 2008.

A new Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times poll shows voters favoring a Democratic candidate by a 16 percentage-point margin in Iowa, which went narrowly for President George W. Bush in the 2004 presidential race. The party has a 21-point lead in New Hampshire, a swing state that the Democratic candidate, Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, won last time.

Even in South Carolina, which hasn't voted for a Democratic presidential candidate since 1976, Republicans have a lead of just 10 percentage points. Bush took the state in 2004 with an 18-point margin of victory.

New Hampshire, Iowa and South Carolina are slated to hold the nation's first electoral contests, and polling trends in those states are often considered a better indicator of the direction of presidential races than many national polls. Iowa, for example, has picked the winner in three of the last four presidential elections.

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