Friday, September 28

Edwards Goes Public

From Real Clear Politics

For one Democrat, today is going to bring a lot of questions that will send the campaign off message. Former Senator John Edwards yesterday said he would accept public financing for the Democratic primary, a change from his previous plan to raise and spend amounts not subject to the FEC's spending limits. The campaign's point of view: Adhering to spending limits draws an important distinction between Edwards and the two free-spending front-runners. The immediate reaction from other campaigns: Stick a fork in him; Edwards is done. The spending limits, they say, will mean Edwards gets to spend less on advertising in Iowa than New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson already has spent. Really, can you get by with just $1.48 million in Iowa (FEC limits here)?

This change of heart could be tied to the mega-millions that Clinton and Obama have raised or it could be that it is consistent with Edwards shift away from big money donors and PACs. Given that the rules of the road favor the privately funded candidate, Edwards campaign will have fewer arrows in the quill and will depend on more volunteer power to get out his message. Still, in Iowa, Edwards may do just fine without flooding the airwaves with 30 second spots--time will tell.

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