Friday, September 28

George McGovern to endorse Hillary in Iowa City?

The rumor mill and now ABC News has it that HRC may be getting George McGovern's endorsement and may bring him to Iowa City to do so during the Johnson County Democratic Picnic on October 6th.

For those of us with long memories (or the ability to Google), McGovern won Johnson County during his bid for the presidency in 1972. Bill and Hill volunteered for him in 1972 in Texas.

"I think it was a mistake to support that war at any time," McGovern said of Clinton's vote to authorize use of force against Iraq in October 2002. "I don't expect to find a mistake-free candidate; we all have made mistakes." He said that Clinton's position today on the war is "pretty good." In 2004, McGovern endorsed Gen. Wesley Clark.

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