Friday, June 22

School of the Americas Still Open For Business

Despite the efforts of the School of the Americas Watch and support from 203 Congresspersons, the vote to not fund the SOA/WHINSEC (H R 2764 RECORDED VOTE 21-Jun-2007 11:52 PM)was 214-203 against thwe McGovern/Lewis Amendment. Our Iowa delegation was split with Democrats Dave Loebsack, Bruce Braley, and Leonard Boswell voting to close the former School of the Americas and Republicans Latham and King voting to keep it open.

I guess it is another victory for "Viva la tormenta!" in Bushland

P.S. 19 representatives didn't even vote--there must be a special place in Hell for folks like that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One way to look at it is to say that we need six of the 214 to switch positions.

Which six? Murtha? Herseth Sandlin?, Patrick Murphy? Dingell? Sestak? Who else?

How do we get them to switch?