Friday, June 8


This will come across as a bit of a non-sequitor, but follow along. The US has sent suspected terrorists to other countries, aka renditioning between at least 2003 and 2005. Reuters reports of secret CIA jails hosted by Poland, Romania in which it interrogated top al Qaeda suspects using methods akin to torture.

Swiss senator Dick Marty said Poland housed some of the CIA's most sensitive prisoners, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who says he masterminded the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States that killed almost 3,000 people.

"There is now enough evidence to state that secret detention facilities run by the CIA did exist in Europe from 2003-2005, in particular in Poland and Romania," Marty said in a report for the Council of Europe human rights watchdog.

He said U.S. intelligence and other sources told him the two European Union members hosted the secret jails under a special CIA program, created by President George W. Bush's administration after 9/11 "to 'kill, capture and detain' terrorist suspects deemed of 'high value'".
Marty said the former president of Poland and the current and former presidents of Romania knew and approved of their countries' roles in a "global spider's web" of secret CIA detentions and transfers, known as extraordinary renditions.

This brings me to how we as Iowans take news like this. Do our values that uphold the rule of law? Do we accept this kind of information with a shrug or do we say that it is unacceptable?

We are keenly aware that human beings do all kinds of barbaric things under the guise that it is "God's will" or its in our "national interest" or that it is just "human nature." But, do we allow ourselves the choice to live up to the ideals we cherish or do we let them slide because of war? If so, we will always allow brutality to win out over fair treatment.

This brings me to Standing Women. This is a group of women all around the world who hold vigil because they believe we can live in a peaceful world. This Sunday in College Green Park in Iowa City, there will be a vigil at 1 pm for 5 minutes. Living in the awareness that we all can contribute to peace in our time, this group asks no more than to take five minutes and join with others who feel like you. If you can't be at College Green, stop where you are at 1 pm and consider what you can do to make the world a more just and peaceful place.

Sly and the Family Stone
Stand-- In the end you'll still be you
One that's done all the things you set out to do
Stand-- There's a cross for you to bear
Things to go through if you're going anywhere
Stand-- For the things you know are right
It s the truth that the truth makes them so uptight
Stand-- All the things you want are real
You have you to complete and there is no deal
Stand. stand, stand Stand. stand, stand
Stand --You've been sitting much too long
There's a permanent crease in your right and wrong
Stand-- There's a midget standing tall
And the giant beside him about to fall
Stand. stand, stand Stand. stand, stand
Stand-- They will try to make you crawl
And they know what you're saying makes sense and all
Stand-- Don't you know that you are free
Well at least in your mind if you want to be
Everybody Stand, stand, stand.
You can stand this (and every) Friday on the corner of Washington and Clinton streets in Iowa City (we even have signs) from 5:15 to 5:45. Come as you are.

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