Wednesday, June 27

Questions for the Candidates

Questions to candidates that I'd like to hear on the campaign trail:

What are you doing as a candidate to improve the discourse on "hot button" issues such as immigration, the war, global climate change, same-sex marriage, etc.? What tactics would you decline to use against a political foe?

Don't you think Americans have the ability to process information beyond your last sound bite? (Followed up with why or why not?)

How to you feel bringing your (wife, husband, kids) around the country with you helps people to decide if you are qualified to be president?

Tell us about the worst day in your political life and how you overcame it?

If you had the opportunity to assassinate another country's leader whose policies we disagree with, would you and why or why not?

If you knew that a member of your family would be treated the same way that prisoners of war are treated under rendition or under as enemy combatants, would you support the policy?

What steps will you take to bring our country together to address issues that are potentially divisive such as immigration policy, social security, national health care, etc.?

What countries do you believe pose a threat to the United States and how would you handle that threat?

If you could only accomplish one thing as president, what agenda item would you choose to work on?

Do you believe that the amount of money that is required to run for president artificially limits our choices or do you believe it is simply the free market working as it should?

Tell us about a big idea you have that you haven't raised prior to now that suggests that you have the ability to think creatively about a concern that Americans care about?

If you are named the party candidate, name three people that you would consider as your top-tier vice-presidential candidates, your secretary of state, and your secretary of defense?

What advice would you give to young men and women about whether or not politics is a worthwhile endeavor to dedicate your life toward?

Has there ever been an issue you have supported that you later changed your mind about and why?

There is a likelihood that during your administration that our nation will be in a position to go to war. Under what circumstances would you be willing to sacrifice the lives of our sons and daughters?

Even with the debate about Global Warming/Global Climate Change, isn't it in the best interests of the nations of the world to err on the side of caution? If so, what policies would you promote? If not, why?

Poverty continues to be a huge problem in the US and globally. As President, what, if anything, do you feel could be done to raise the poor out of the depths of poverty and, if so, what would you be committed to do?

Do you see the Constitution as a living document--that is it is subject to interpretation and change, or do you see it as fixed? If the former, what would you change about it? If the latter, what laws might you work to rescind?

What is the role of government in today's society and what is the current role of the executive branch vis a vis the other two branches?

The US has more people in prison than any other nation on earth, why is this necessary?

What would you do to make or how can we help make the world more peaceful than it is today?

Can you foresee a time that we will not depend on oil to continue to prosper?

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