Thursday, June 7

Burlington Mayor Resigns After Run-in with Resident

Mike Edwards, mayor of Burlington resigned to city officials Wednesday afternoon after a shouting match during a City Council meeting earlier this week. A resident confronted the police chief on an issue and the chief replied that the resident should take up the matter with Edwards. The resident replied, "I don't take advice from alcoholics." Edwards was upset at the comment and, according to witnesses was visibly upset. According to fellow council member Tim Scott, "He stood up, walked away, walked back ... and said the meeting was over three times."

Edwards, who has a history of alcohol abuse, was arrested for drunken driving in 1998, 1981 and 1979. He was convicted of second-offense drunken driving in 1985.

He also was found passed out behind the wheel of his car after a night of drinking in 2005.

Mayor Pro Tem Bill Ell will serve as interim mayor.

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