Wednesday, June 27

Moore and Peace

This from the Washington Post

Filmmaker Michael Moore on Tuesday launched into the final days before the U.S. debut of his movie "SiCKO" with two things that might surprise his detractors: a call for compassion for others and well wishes for President George W. Bush.

Moore is the director behind 2004's anti-Bush documentary, "Fahrenheit 9/11," and he is back on the attack with this Friday's release of "SiCKO," which aims to expose weaknesses in U.S. health care.

At a rally on Tuesday on the steps of Los Angeles' City Hall, the fiery filmmaker recalled his grandfather as a doctor who "wanted to help people, not make a buck."

Moore remembered nuns who schooled him as a boy and taught "the most important lesson, which is we will be judged by how we treat the least among us."

After his speech, a reporter asked if he had one thing to say to President Bush, what it might be. Moore replied in a soft voice: "I would wish him well, and ask him to please bring the troops (in Iraq) home."

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