Monday, April 28

What Would Steve Martin Do?

I'm reading Steve Martin's autobiography called "Born Standing Up" and am enjoying his straight-forward telling of his rise from Knott's Berry Farms magician to the "Wild and Crazy Guy" that most people my age came to know. One of the remarkable things that he discusses was his process of going from a comic/magician/musician/actor/juggler to Steve Martin.

He looked at himself and realized that his external world was not matching up to his internal philosophy about what made life's work meaningful to him and he intentionally started from scratch. That is to say he reinvented his act around the notion that he waned to be authentically original and not emulating other comics.

As time has shown, he was hugely successful in that endeavor.

So what would Steve Martin do If he were looking at the Democrats--which he probably is, just the same as we all are?

I think he would be encouraging Barack Obama to remember how he entered the race for the nomination--continue pushing the ideas that would help us be a more hopeful nation and for Hillary Clinton, I think he would encourage her to show her true self-- not be knock-off of some other politician.

We are sorely in need of an authentic leader, we've had enough of someone playing the part as written.

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