Thursday, April 3

1000 Friends Supports City Subdivision Plans, FAIR Encourages Participation

In what is largely important, on paper, to developers and city planners and more of concern to the rest of us when put into action, the Iowa City Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public meeting at 7:30 p.m. tonight (April 3) in the Emma Harvat Room at City Hall to discuss proposed new subdivision regulations for Iowa City. The City's subdivision code establishes rules for the layout of home lots, streets, and infrastructure in new residential neighborhoods and commercial areas. All interested persons are encouraged to attend.

The proposed code reflects the vision and direction prescribed in the City’s long-term Comprehensive Plan, along with elements that citizens have identified as components of desirable neighborhoods. These include development of compact, sustainable neighborhoods that are pedestrian-oriented, offer a mix of housing, provide aesthetic value, build a sense of community, provide well-designed commercial areas and places for work and industry, and overall, create a safe and pleasant living environment.

Local Progressive group FAIR! has urged its members to attend the sessions, predominately to ensure that housing affordability and sustainability are addressed in the code.

1000 Friends of Iowa, whose mission is to promotes responsible development that conserves and protects our agricultural and natural resources, revitalizes neighborhoods, towns and cities, and, improves the quality of life for future generations sent out an email stating their support:

1000 Friends of Iowa has engaged more in local ordinance-related work over
the past couple of years. With regards to advancements in zoning code reform, I am happy to share that Iowa City is a bright spot on our map of Iowa. However, we need your help to make it shine as bright as possible.

While local ordinances are often thought of as mundane and boring jargon, they are really the policy force behind the kind of community we will live in for years to come. Iowa City is considering a draft subdivision ordinance and a public hearing is scheduled for this Thursday evening. We've provided information below, and encourage you to speak up at this one, consider attending a future meeting, and/or getting in touch with local city officials. Pass the word!

Stephanie Weisenbach
1000 Friends of Iowa

1000 Friends of Iowa encourages you to speak up in support of these changes, which will put Iowa City development in a better direction for improved community design when new development occurs. It’s important to speak up in FAVOR of something good, and not just always react to what we don’t want.

Additional input from you could also help to address any issues that the city may not have considered already in the development of this draft ordinance.

Goals of the Comprehensive Plan that the Subdivision Ordinance will

· Plan for the development of sustainable neighborhoods that are compact, pedestrian-oriented, contain a mix of housing, with neighborhood focal points and commercial centers;
· Create an interconnected street pattern that provides connections between neighborhoods, efficient routes for the provision of emergency and public services, and multiple routes to neighborhood destinations, such as schools, parks, and neighborhood commercial areas.
· Design streets that are safe, attractive and pleasant for all modes of transportation;
· Narrow pavement widths for local streets while providing adequate right-of-way width for street trees and sidewalks. Combined these factors will that help to slow traffic, allow for a more complete tree canopy over neighborhood streets, and make neighborhoods streets safer and more pleasant for residents;
· Buffer residential neighborhoods from higher volume streets and highways; and
· Provide for accessible parks and trails within new neighborhoods.

The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold at least two public meetings to hear and review public comments and suggestions. Following Planning and Zoning Commission review, the Commission's recommended draft will be forwarded to the City Council for review, public comment, and adoption. If you have questions please contact Karen Howard by phone at (319) 356-5251 or email at

AN ADDED NOTE ON AFFORDABLE HOUSING: 1000 Friends realizes that affordable housing is a key issue for Iowa City to address and is a concern for residents. Recently we were sent information about a very unique report about the connections between affordable housing and parking policies. Talk about connecting the dots for unique solutions! To read this report by the Victoria Transport Institute.

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