Sunday, April 6

Story Doesn't Add Up... Again

After being pummeled for here story about being under sniper fire in Bosnia which didn't add up, Hillary Clinton once again was in deep trouble, but this time for repeating a story told to her by a sheriff's deputy.

Meigs County sheriff's Deputy Bryan Holman met with Clinton when she visited southeast Ohio ahead of the state's March 4 primary. He told her he had heard the story of Trina Bachtel, who died in August. Clinton took the story and made it part of her stump speech, using it as recently as late Friday, at a rally in Grand Forks, N.D.Here's video

ABC reports:

For the second time in recent days, Sen. Hillary Clinton has had to drop a story from her stump speech after being challenged on its accuracy.
Hospital denies Hillary Clinton's story of pregnant woman denied health care.

For the past month, the New York senator liked to tell the tale of a pregnant woman who was denied health care from an Ohio hospital because she did not have $100 the hospital demanded to treat her. After being turned away, the woman was brought back to the hospital days later with severe complications. She had to be rushed to another facility for advanced treatment, but it was too late. Both the woman and the baby died, Clinton told her audiences.

The hospital, which was never named in Clinton's speeches, objected this weekend, saying it wasn't true and demanded that Clinton stop telling it.

The Clinton campaign told ABC News today that the candidate heard the story from a deputy sheriff and had no reason to doubt the story.

"If the hospital claims it didn't happen that way, we certainly respect that and she won't repeat the story," said Clinton spokeswoman Mo Elleithee.

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