Monday, April 14

Going Back(Yard) to the Country

Fred Meyers, the King of Backyard Abundance, sent out this notice. If you haven't seen the possibilities a backyard can hold to improve the environment, you've got to check this out!

Do you want to help our environment, but need inspiration and ideas? Backyard Abundance is once again sponsoring free events to show how pioneering Iowa City residents have designed environmentally-beneficial features into their yards. In addition to yard tours, hands-on events will demonstrate how to implement these beneficial features in your own yard.

Since the summer of 2006, hundreds of people have visited ecologically-diverse residences to learn innovative ways to improve their yards and help our environment. This year, the yards are just as varied and interesting. Learn how to create a healthy backyard forest, understand how to manage your storm water, and discover how to maintain native prairie plants. We also plan to team up with the newly formed “Food Not Lawns” organization to do exactly what their name implies: show step-by-step how to convert a lawn into a beautiful garden of herbs, fruits, and vegetables.

These tactile events are presented in the context of understanding how our well-being is directly affected by the health of the land and wildlife; how caring for our local environment is equivalent to caring for our family and community. This grassroots approach to land care helps explore and improve our relationship with nature so we can create outdoor spaces that are equally healthy for plants, animals, insects, and people.

The first event is Saturday, May 10, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm at the home of Jim Fluck and Julie Scott, 38 Quincent Court, Iowa City. They are working to restore the health of their beautiful woodland backyard to its pre-settlement resiliency. Photos and descriptions of this event and others can be seen on the web site:

If you would like more information, please contact Fred Meyer at or 319-358-7665.

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