Thursday, April 17

Johnson County Auditor's Race to Be Contested

Mona Shaw has thrown her hat into the ring against long-time incumbent Johnson County Auditor, Tom Slockett.

She states: "I am running as a Democrat for the office of Auditor of Johnson County in the primary election to be held June 3, 2008. I am running as a Democrat because I believe in the Democratic Party platform, and I seek to implement policies outlined in the platform in the Auditor’s Office that are not currently practiced.

Moreover, I believe these policies should be practiced without regard to partisan or crony loyalty but that all citizens should be provided public services without regard to social or partisan status.

All politics are local, and local politics matter the most. I believe it’s time for voters to have at least one opportunity in life to interact and vote for a candidate who will tell the truth, walk the walk, treat people respectfully and fairly, and believe in integrity and the people more than political or social favor."

To learn more about Mona Shaw, go to her just opened web site.

Interestingly, Mona will accept no campaign contributions saying she "will neither solicit nor accept any contributions to this campaign. People, especially those without enough of a voice in our county, have better things, including more important campaigns, to spend their hard-earned money on than this race. Any contributions I receive will be returned with a suggestion of better places for that money."

This should be an interesting race given the history that the incumbent and challenger share.

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