Tuesday, April 15

Thank You For Not Smoking

Governor Chet Culver helped clear the air in Iowa by getting it out of bars and restaurants, even though the same can't be said for casinos and the Iowa Veterans Home.

In a move that is likely to have positive effects for future Iowans, the smoking ban which will be in effect on July 1st will even the playing field for bars and restaurant owners who fought against it's approval.

By making the ban statewide, most bar and restaurant owners should find it easier to attract qualified people to staff their establishments and will find no negative effect to their businesses since all establishments will have to play by the same rules.

Clearly there will be issues concerning businesses that are in towns with casinos or are across state lines where smoking bans are not present. However, since 18% of adult Iowans smoke, this leaves over a great number of people with which to do business.

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