Monday, October 1

Scorning Corning

As Corning goes, so goes Iowa? In the southwest corner of Iowa in Adams county is the bucolic county seat, Corning that has a population of 1783 and a median age of 42.3. USA Today reports that the candidates of both parties have not made a stop there, but have been courting them electronically, by phone and via the Internet.

But is that enough? The article says"Ken Mallas, a retired school superintendent and former county GOP chairman, says candidates should heed the lessons of Jimmy Carter's 1976 campaign. 'He came to Corning and to all the rural communities," Mallas says. "He won the Iowa caucuses. You shouldn't ignore the small towns.'"

Given the close race in Iowa between Clinton, Obama, and Edwards, it would seem to be an important stop--who will drop by first?

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