Wednesday, October 24

Dodd Joined by Clinton, Obama

Earlier this month Dodd said, "Today’s report that Verizon provided the Bush Administration with personal information of American citizens absent judicial authorization is deeply troubling. We must be told the full extent of Verizon’s activities and what other private information they have provided to the Bush Administration.

“More troubling still is that the United States Senate would sanction those telecommunications companies that have violated the law and the privacy of our citizenry, enabling this Administration’s assault on the Constitution.”

Open Left and other blogs have been following MoveOn's challenge to the Obama and Clinton campaigns to support Senators Chris Dodd and Joe Biden on a move to filibuster the FISA bill if Telecoms have immunity.

Senator Obama has serious concerns about many provisions in this bill, especially the provision on giving retroactive immunity to the telephone companies. He is hopeful that this bill can be improved by the Senate Judiciary Committee. But if the bill comes to the Senate floor in its current form, he would support a filibuster of it.

And here's Clinton.

I am troubled by the concerns that have been raised by the recent legislation reported out of the Intelligence Committee. I haven't seen it so I can't express an opinion about it. But I don't trust the Bush Administration with our civil rights and liberties. So I'm going to study it very hard. As matters stand now, I could not support it and I would support a filibuster absent additional information coming forward that would convince me differently.

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