Friday, October 19

Loebsack Going to Iraq

From Congressman Loebsack

I am currently leading a bipartisan Congressional Delegation to Iraq. Over the coming days I will be meeting with American military leaders and Iraqi government officials, but most importantly I will have the opportunity to speak with and thank our dedicated troops.

As a member of the House Armed Service Committee I regularly receive testimony on the status of our military operations, however it is a true honor and privileged to shake the hands of Iowa's soldiers stationed in Iraq. On behalf of Iowa's Second District I will convey to them our great appreciation and hopefully they will feel that I am bringing to them a small piece of home.

Not a day goes by that I do not consider the state of our presence in Iraq and the safety and security of our troops on the ground. I strongly believe we must chart a new course in Iraq to better ensure our nation's security at home and our interests abroad.

This opportunity to visit Iraq with a bipartisan group of my colleagues will provide me with the insight necessary to continue my efforts to bring our troops home and find a safe and responsible end to our continued presence in Iraq.

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