Friday, October 12

All Politics are Local

A lot of people want to know more about the local election and where to get more information about the candidates and their positions. Professor David Redlawsk, all around good guy and former FAIR! leader, has a nice link to all things Iowa City election-oriented. Go here.

As it stands, there are 4 candidates for 2 at-large seats on the council, current mayor Ross Wilburn (from District A) and mayor pro tem Regenia Bailey (from District C) are running unopposed.

Of course, you always have the option to write-in a candidate if you prefer.

The two referendum items to be voted on are:

Public Measure C (Bar admission age)

Whereas, it is in the public interest to provide, unless otherwise exempted by law or ordinance, that a person shall have attained legal age (currently 21 years of age or more) to lawfully be on the premises between the hours of 10:00 p.m. to closing of any Iowa City establishment holding a liquor control license, a wine or beer permit, that authorizes on premises consumption.

Now, therefore, be it resolved, that Article 4, Chapter 5, Section 8 of the City Code of Iowa City – entitled Persons Under 19 Years of Age in Licensed or Permitted Establishments – shall be modified to replace “nineteen (19) years of age” wherever and however it appears within such Section 8 with “the legal age”.

More information:
Public Measure D (Police Citizen Review Board)

That Article V (Boards, Commissions and Committees), Subsection 5.01 (Establishment) of the Home Rule Charter of Iowa City, Iowa be amended by adding the following underlined words:

With the exception of the Police Citizens Review Board, the Council may establish Boards in addition to those required by State law and shall specify the title, duties, length of term, qualifications of members and other appropriate matters. The Council may reduce or increase a Board’s duties, transfer duties from one Board to another or dissolve any Board, except as otherwise provided by State law or this Charter.

A. There shall be a permanent Police Citizens Review Board, which shall have vested in it the following minimum powers:

1. To hold at least one community forum each year for the purpose of hearing citizens’ views on the policies, practices, and procedures of the Iowa City Police Department, and to make recommendations regarding such policies, practices, and procedures to the City Council.

2. To investigate citizen claims of misconduct by sworn police officers and to issue independent reports of its findings to the City Council; and

3. The authority to subpoena witnesses.

More information:

Early voting for the November 6th election is already underway at the Johnson County Admin Building and satelite locations schedule is here.

REMEMBER, same day voter registration does not happen until 1/2008. The last day to register to vote for this election is October 26th at 5 pm.

I will be adding my thoughts on the local election and referendum ballot items in the next couple of weeks.

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