Monday, October 29

Bush: Irrelevant on Darfur?

George Bush has over-spent his political capital to a degree that even when he is correct on actions that should be taken, such as calling on the international community to work on a solution to the continued horrific story in Darfur, his hands are tied. The Washington Post has an important story that spells the Catch 22 out.

Essentially, it shows a world leader who understands what needs to be done, but can not muster the political clout to change the course of events. As an unnamed source says, "Bush probably does want something done, but the lack of hands-on follow-up from this White House allowed this to drift. If he says, 'There is not going to be genocide on my watch,' and then 2 1/2 years later we are just getting tough action, what gives? He has made statements, but his administration has not given meaning to those statements."

This is an extremely important lesson for the person who next occupies the Oval Office: Choose your battles carefully.

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