Thursday, October 25

O'Reilly, You Are Dead to Me...Not That I Ever Thought You Were Among the Living

Thanks to an e-mail from Justin Cole from Media Matters, I sent my first fiery e-mail to Fox's Uberblabberer, Bill O'Reilly. I have no reason to pay much attention to him, as I usually keep clicking when I see his face, but he made a huge error and needed to be called to task on it.

Not that I expect an on-air retraction, but O'Reilly has really crossed a line when he called John Edwards a "pinhead" declaring that he would abolish anti-terrorism measures if elected President. First, he is dead wrong and second O'Reilly doesn't have the cajones to fess up to his shoddy punditry which he attempts to pass off as news reporting. Of course, he must get pretty dizzy in the no spin zone.

My e-mail to him:

Mr. O'Reilly,

If John Edwards is a "pinhead," you would qualify for the "prick" end of the pin for your statement that he would abolish anti-terrorism measures. In fact, John Edwards has called for bold anti-terrorism measures as Media Matters points out:

From the September 7 speech:

EDWARDS: "It's the right time for a bold new direction.

As president, I will launch a comprehensive new counterterrorism policy that will be defined by two principles -- strength and cooperation.

The centerpiece of this policy will be a new multilateral organization called the Counterterrorism and Intelligence Treaty Organization (CITO).

Every nation has an interest in shutting down terrorism. CITO will create connections between a wide range of nations on terrorism and intelligence, including countries on all continents, including Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Europe. New connections between previously separate nations will be forged, creating new possibilities.

CITO will allow members to voluntarily share financial, police, customs, and immigration intelligence. Together, nations will be able to track the way terrorists travel, communicate, recruit, train, and finance their operations. And they will be able to take action, through international teams of intelligence and national security professionals who will launch targeted missions to root out and shut down terrorist cells.

The new organization will also create a historic new coalition. Those nations who join will, by working together, show the world the power of cooperation. Those nations who join will also be required to commit to tough criteria about the steps they will take to root out extremists, particularly those who cross borders. Those nations who refuse to join will be called out before the world.

It's important to note that CITO is not a panacea, nor will it be perfect. But it would represent the first step in a new direction. As President John F. Kennedy observed when he signed the treaty that first limited the testing of nuclear weapons, we must begin with the common recognition of a common danger. President Kennedy said then, "A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." Today, this new anti-terrorism organization would be such a first step.

Organizations are only as strong as the people who help make them run, and so we must also improve the quality of our human intelligence -- agents better able to understand local culture and make local connections in countries with active terrorist cells. As president, I will lead efforts to improve human intelligence through 1,000 new annual scholarships to improve language skills for students who pursue careers in intelligence and diplomacy.

A terrorist should not be able to escape detection in Europe or the Middle East if a foreign agency could have caught him with the help of American technology and advice. Within six months of taking office, I will direct the secretary of State, working with the attorney general and other national security officials, to launch comprehensive strategies to support agencies in other countries."

Frankly Mr. O'Reilly, I hope your prediction about John Edwards is wrong, but if it is not, it is because you, like so many in the pundit biz, do not do your due diligence.

Garry Klein
Iowa City, IA

Feel free to fire an e-mail to him.

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