Monday, August 27

Iraq Summer Campaign Iowa Events

The Iowa ‘Iraq Summer’ Campaign -- which has been turning up the heat on Sen. Chuck Grassley and Rep. Tom Latham all summer to start representing their constituents by voting for a safe and responsible end to the Iraq war -- will come to a crescendo with a flurry of grassroots activity across the state this weekend leading up to the campaign’s flagship ‘Take A Stand Day’ event on Tuesday, August 28th in Ames. Open to all Iowans, the town hall will focus on Iraq and will provide Grassley and Latham a golden opportunity to face their constituents and explain their continued support of the President’s costly and irresponsible policy of endless war in Iraq. Invitations to the TAS town hall in Ames, which is already expected to draw over 200 constituents, was flatly rejected by Senator Grassley’s office. Rep. Latham also rejected the invitation to attend but did meet with the Iraq Summer Campaign and a small group of constituents at his Ames office last week, where he remained firm in his opposition to setting a date certain for responsibly redeploying U.S. troops out of the crosshairs of the religious civil war in Iraq that has no end in sight.

Waterloo: Outside Grassley’s Office; Monday, Aug. 27: 4-6 pm: Federal Building, 531 Commercial St.
“Care Package for the Troops” Drive – bring items by to mail to our soldiers in Iraq

Ames: Monday, Aug. 27: 4-6 pm “Care Package for the Troops” Drive – bring items by The Ames Veterans Memorial on the corner of Grand and 5th Street to mail to our soldiers in Iraq

WHAT: Up to 100 ‘Iraq’ Summer Supporters Expected to Join “Take A Stand” Rally Outside Rep. Tom Latham’s Town Hall Meeting in Same Building

WHERE: Pocahontas County Courthouse, Supervisors Room
300 NW 7th St,Pocahontas, IA

WHEN: Tuesday, 28 Aug 2007, 4:00 PM

WHAT: Over 200 Grassley and Latham Constituents to Attend ‘Take A Stand’ Town Hall Meeting to Pressure Senator and Congressman to Break with Bush and Vote to Begin Responsible Redeployment of U.S. Troops Out of Harm’s Way in Iraq

WHEN: Tuesday, 28 Aug 2007, 6:00 PM

WHERE: Iowa State University, Memorial Union Pioneer Room 2229 Lincoln WayAmes, IA 50014

SPEAKERS: Moderator: Sue Dinsdale – Field Director of the Iraq Summer Campaign and Mother of Iraq War Veteran

ISU Alumni Jeffrey Weiss of the American Friends Service Committee.

Terri Jones - Mother of SPC Jason Cooper, age 23 who took his life 4 months after returning home from a year long deployment to Baghdad

Iraq War Veteran -- TBA

“Iraq Summer” is a nationwide, 10-week long campaign with nearly 100 organizers in 15 states and 40 congressional districts to turn up the heat on members of Congress who have opposed setting a timeline to bring a safe and responsible end to the war in Iraq. The effort will culminate with a national “Take a Stand” day on August 28th, when Members of Congress will have the opportunity to explain their stance on the war to their constituents in a town hall setting.

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