Monday, August 6

If You Want Fair--Go to the One in Des Moines

Truth and fairness do not always coincide. For instance the Mitt Romney one liner about Barack Obama "went from going to sit down to tea with our enemies, but then he's going to bomb our allies. I mean, he's gone from Jane Fonda to Dr. Strangelove in one week." This statement was in reference to Obama stating that he would enter Pakistan to get Al Queda operatives including Osama bin Laden if the government of Pakistan did not (which Romney actually agreed he would do as well).

Media Matters does a good job of dissecting the story as reported by Andrea Mitchell on NBC's Today show. Often news is presented at face value without the reporter presenting the full context. This type of reporting is a disservice to the public.

One of the reasons that a Fairness Doctrine is still relevant today is that it allows the injured an opportunity to respond. Unfortunately, in our sound bite world, too often truthiness prevails.

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