Friday, March 30

VOICE Your Opinion

From Johnson County Democracy For America

Jedi writes:

HF 805 may not see a positive vote due to the cost associated with the bill. Discussion with couple legislators suggests that the price tag for the billis over double the original bill requirement at from10 million to $25 million.

If you want clean elections and VOICE to pass, you must tell the appropriations subcommittee to pass thebill Jo Oldson (D- 61- Des Moines)
Dave Jacoby (D- 30- Coralville)
Rod Roberts (R- 51-Carroll)
Gark note: you might also copy
Speaker of the House Rep. Pat Murphy (D) House District 28 – Dubuque County
Home Telephone: (563) 582-5922
House Telephone: (515) 281-5566
House Majority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (D) House District 67 – Polk County
Home Telephone: (515) 953-5221
House Telephone: (515) 281-7497
Senate Majority LeaderSenator Mike Gronstal (D) Senate District 50 -- Pottawattamie
Home Telephone: (712) 328-2808
Business Telephone: (515) 281-3901

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