Thursday, March 8

The Dodd Squad

Reuters Reports
While front-runners Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama were soaking up most of the political publicity Sunday, Chris Dodd quietly won the York County, S.C., straw poll.

About 100 Democratic activists voted for their 2008 presidential choices that day, and Dodd got 28 percent of the vote.

Trailing were Obama at 24 percent; Clinton, 18 percent; 2004 vice presidential nominee John Edwards, 11 percent; and Delaware Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., 5.5 percent. Former Vice President Al Gore, a write-in, got 8 percent.

Dodd’s strategy has been to campaign the old-fashioned way, meeting with small groups in the four early 2008 primary and caucus states of Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina.

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