Tuesday, March 27

Start With the End in Mind

I snipped this quote from the Century of the Comman Iowan: "[David] Loebsack quoted a recent blog post by David Sirota that quoted Saul Alinsky. Loebsack said, "start from where the world is, as it is, not as I would like it to be.”"

This is fine for Dave, he's accepted the job of politician. But for those of us who want the war to end or for social justice to prevail, we need to start, in Stephen Covey terms, "with the end in mind". It seems fruitless to be a progressive if you don't fight for progressive ideas. War is never a progressive idea, it is a failure of human decency and its wounds go far deeper than those who bear its scars.

I understand politics, politicians live and die by playing "let's make a deal"--trouble is, the cost of war is the children of our nation, the mothers and fathers of our next generation--this is nothing to raffle off.

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